株式会社 くもん出版から発刊された
Client:株式会社 くもん出版
Work that KUMON thinks
Published by KUMON Publishing Co., Ltd.
・ KUMON's work "The power to capture the shape from the age of 4"
・ KUMON's work "The power to divide only from 4 years old"
・ KUMON's work "The power to squeeze from 4 years old"
I was in charge of some of the illustrations.
・ KUMON's work "The power to capture the shape from the age of 4"
・ KUMON's work "The power to divide only from 4 years old"
・ KUMON's work "The power to squeeze from 4 years old"
I was in charge of some of the illustrations.
Client: KUMON Publishing Co., Ltd.