堂島孝平 × SOLO TOUR 2022 Fitting journey 「FIT Tシャツ」
ミュージシャン堂島孝平さんのソロツアー Fitting journey のグッズ「FIT Tシャツ」のビジュアルを制作しました!
堂島孝平Official Website https://djkh.jp/
KOHEI DOJIMA × SOLO TOUR 2022 Fitting journey "FIT T-shirt "
We created the visual for the "FIT T-shirt" merchandise for musician Kohei Dojima's solo tour Fitting journey!I drew the motif of Mr. Dojima on the jacket of the album "FIT" released on August 17, 2022.
Kohei Dojima's Official Website https://djkh.jp/
Client:Sony Music Artists Inc.